Lake Life Ladder

Lake Life Ladder

Lake Life Ladder Features:

Our Lake Life Ladder is designed to make it easier to climb in and out of the water from your dock. The patent pending ladder is built with to sit in slight angle allowing climb out of water like a staircase. Our 6 steps ladder treads are 22.5” wide with a full 7” tread to step on. The 6-step ladder is created to be easy to lift out of water for all ages and has the option of lift assist that can be attached to help lift ladder if preferred. All Lake Life products are designed inhouse by our team who is dedicated to build products based of customers wants while keeping our products safe for the family and aesthetically pleasing for your dock.

-Aesthetically designed to take less space while making it easier, safer access to your dock.

- Built with a 55-degree angle to create staircase feel while deeper reach in water from your dock.

- Double handrails to help assist getting out of water or lifting the ladder.

-All aluminum ladder with 500lb. weight capacity. Steps are extruded with tread for grip.

- Easy assembly and installation for customers

-Attachable stainless steel lift assist strut to for lifting ladder out water if needed.